English follows Japanese.


  1. 当社は、当社の事業の内容及び規模を考慮し、個人情報保護管理者を置き、 日本産業規格 JIS Q 15001:2017「個人情報保護マネジメントシステム-要求事項」に準拠した適切な個人情報の取得、利用及び提供を行います。 とりわけ、個人情報ごとに特定された利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えた個人情報の取扱いを行わず、そのための適切な措置を講じます。
  2. 当社は、個人情報の取扱いに関する法令、国が定める指針その他の規範を遵守いたします。
  3. 当社は、必要かつ適切なセキュリティ対策を講じることにより、当社の取扱う個人情報の漏えい、滅失またはき損の防止及び是正に努めます。
  4. 当社は、個人情報の取扱い及び当社の個人情報保護マネジメントシステムに関して、本人からの苦情及び相談を受付けて、適切な対応を行います。以下の当社対応窓口までお申し出ください。
  5. 当社は、本方針を含む当社における個人情報保護マネジメントシステムの継続的改善に努めます。
制定日: 2017年5月1日
最終改定年月日: 2020年4月1日
代表取締役社長 西垣 雄太
PRIVACY POLICY についての問い合わせ先



  • 社員個人情報・・・人事管理、労務管理、健康管理、福利厚生事務などの社員管理
  • 取引先個人情報・・・取引先管理
  • カメラサービス利用者個人情報・・・動画や画像の提供
  • COMPASSメルマガ登録者個人情報・・・メールマガジン配信及び当社サービスのご案内
  • 招待状登録者個人情報・・・イベントのご案内・入場管理



  • 求人サイト等から提供を受ける採用応募者個人情報・・・採用面接のための連絡・受付
  • SNS画像データ・・・オリジナルデザインのカードやステッカーへのプリントアウト、デジタルサイネージへの表示

Since its inception in May 2015, the Company has engaged in O2O (online to online) marketing services, digital signage, advertising business operations and website development. The Company considers the appropriate handling of personal information to be an extremely critical social mission, and for the protection of such information implements the following initiatives pursuant to JIS Q 15001:2017, the Personal Information Protection Law and other guidelines.

  1. The Company, in consideration of the content and scale of the Company’s business, shall appoint personal information protection managers and engage in appropriate acquisition, use and supply of personal information pursuant to the Japanese Industrial Standard JIS Q 15001:2017 (Personal Information Protection Management Systems – Requirements). In particular, there shall be no handling of personal information beyond the sphere required for achievement of the use purposes stipulated for each area of personal information, with appropriate measures to be formulated toward that end.
  2. The Company shall comply with all laws and regulations pertaining to the handling of personal information, guidelines determined by the government and other standards.
  3. The Company shall strive through the formulation of necessary and appropriate security measures to prevent and rectify leakage, loss or damage of personal information handled by the Company.
  4. The Company shall accept complaints and consultations concerning the handling of personal information and the Company’s own personal information protection management system from pertinent parties, and provide appropriate responses. It is requested that inquiries be placed to the Company’s following service desk.
  5. The Company shall strive to make ongoing improvements in these guidelines and its other personal information protection management systems.
Enactment date: May 1, 2017
Final renewal date: April 1, 2020
Yuta Nishigaki, Representative Director
Personal Information Consultation Desk (Administration Department Manager)

【Purposes for use of personal information acquired by the Company directly in writing from pertinent parties】

The Company shall make use of acquired personal information for the following purposes.

  • Employee personal information: Personnel management, labor affairs management, health management, welfare program management and other employee management needs
  • Client personal information: Client management
  • Camera service user personal information: Supply of videos or images
  • COMPASS e-mail magazine registrant personal information: Information concerning e-mail magazine distribution and the Company’s services
  • Invitation card registrant personal information : Event information and admission management

【Purposes for use of personal Information acquired through methods other than acquistion directly in writing (word of mouth, consignment and supply)】

The purposes for use of personal information acquired through means other than directly in writing shall be as follows.

  • Employment applicant personal information supplied from help-wanted websites and other sources: Contact and reception services for the purpose of job interviews
  • Social media image data: Printouts of originally designed cards and stickers, indications of digital signage
Please refer to the following procedures and paperwork pertaining to requests for notification of the purposes of personal information use, disclosure, corrections, addition, or deletion of personal information, refusal of use or provision, and disclosure of records of provision to third parties. (Procedures for requesting disclosure of personal information)
Direct inquiries concerning personal information protection to the following website:
Personal Information Consultation Desk (Administration Department Manager)