Planning, Digital Installation, Digital Service, Still & Film
イスラエル発のボディケアブランド「SABON」の期間限定ポップアップストア「EAU de SABON POP-UP STORE “MY SALON”にてLINEを用いたデジタルインビテーションサービス『WeCALL』を提供するとともに、一部ブースデザインを担当いたしました。



【 ブースデザインについて 】
 運命の香りに出会う、香りを纏うための「SALON Booth」と室内テラスに出現した巨大なツリー「Fragrance Tree」のデザインを担当いたしました。
SALON Boothでは、レースカーテンで仕切られた空間の中、一人掛けのゆったりとしたソファーで自分だけの世界に浸れる贅沢なスペースを演出しました。
”香りが生まれる木”をイメージした”Fragrance Tree”は、オー ドゥ サボン の形をしたフレグランスカードがオーナメントのように吊るされていて、自分の選んだ香りのカードを1枚持ち帰ることができます。
From June 6 to July 28 in the Kami-Meguro district of Tokyo, Generosity supplied “WeCALL,” a digital invitation service utilizing LINE, at the EAU de SABON Pop-up Store “MY SALON.” This special limited period event was staged in support of “SABON” – the renowned body care brand from Israel. In addition to the sophisticated new WeCALL service, Generosity also handled one phase of the booth design.

[Supplying WeCALL]
For Generosity, this marked the first collaboration with a brand’s official LINE account since the supply of WeCALL commenced. On this occasion, the service was harnessed as an effective tool to effectively manage event reservations and simplify guest reception procedures. With WeCALL, the following standout support functions are available.
- Placing reservations, making changes in reservation dates and times, cancellations and follow-up bookings after reception.
- The ability to check the QR code reader on WeCALL, with visitors holding reservations able to quickly complete reception procedures by scanning the QR code at the front desk. During this process, announcements can be displayed on devices to alert visitors who have failed to complete their bookings that the reservations need to be finalized.

■ Simple operation through registration as “Friends” on the “@sabon” official LINE account for SABON, with reservations placed from that point. This streamlined the reservation process, while leading to greater numbers of LINE account friends.
■ On the strength of collaboration with the brand’s official LINE account, it proved possible to also alert fans already added as LINE friends about this special pop-up store event.
■ Monitoring the participation rate in advance helped prevent crowding as guests arrive.

[Work on the Booth Design]
For this particular pop-up store, Generosity designed (1) the “SALON Booth,” tasteful space literally enveloped in fragrances to promote fateful encounters with those scents; and (2) the “Fragrance Tree,” a jumbo-sized highlight striking a vivid presence in the interior terrace.
- Presented within the Salon Booth was luxurious space partitioned off with elegant lace curtains, encouraging guests to kick back in their own exclusive world on soft and cozy sofas built for one.
- Suspended from the Fragrance Tree, a structure crafted in the image of a “fragrance generating tree,” were various different “fragrance card” ornaments shaped like EAU de SABON bottles. Here, visitors were able to take home one card scented with their own fragrance of choice.