通常のライブ配信からInstagram等のスマートフォン特化型のライブ配信や、大型ビジョン・デジタルサイネージと連動したユーザースマホ参加型FAN CAMまで、弊社の高い技術力を駆使し、新たなコミュニケーション体験を創出するライブストリーミングサービス。高画質配信はもちろんのこと、セレブリティキャスティングを併⽤するなど、実績に基づいたユーザーの体験価値を高めるプロモーション施策を提案・実現します。
We offer live-streaming services that create new communication experiences with our technological expertise. The services value from regular live-streaming and special live-streaming with smartphones such as Instagram Live to a user-participatory FAN CAM service that connects and synchronizes with large visions or digital signages. Based on our experience, we propose and implement the promotion measures that help users gain further enriched experience.
スタジアムや屋内外のイベント会場に設置された大型ビジョン・デジタルサイネージと連動し、会場内にいるユーザー同士の盛り上がりをリアルタイムに映像投影することで、臨場感あふれるイベント体験を実現させるユーザースマホ参加型FAN CAMサービスになります。 インカメラで撮影している映像が会場内の大型モニターやスクリーン上に映し出されるライブセルフィーを楽しむことができ、ユーザーの体験価値を高めるコンテンツとしてご利用いただけます。
INCAM LIVE is the FAN CAM service that encourages user participation and provides them with an immersive experience throughout events. By connecting to the digital signages in the venue, the service projects users’ enthusiastic videos onto monitors and screens in real-time. While taking videos with the front camera of their smartphones, users can enjoy watching those videos of themselves on the screens, which improves the value of the user experience.
As it seeks to share the users’ real-time enthusiasm with everybody in the venue, videos that would be projected onto the screens are randomly picked among all the videos that are taken. This feature will further enhance the exclusiveness of the content. It will offer users an immersive event experience by encouraging them to feel like they are the main part of events.
Instagramのライブ配信機能インスタライブを、スマートフォン画像に依存せず、高画質カメラを使用した配信が可能となるサービス。 高画質配信はもちろんのこと、セレブリティキャスティングを多くの視聴者に配信を届けることを実現します。
This service makes it possible to deliver Instagram Live using a high-resolution camera, without relying on smartphone images.In addition to high quality broadcasting, this service enables delivery to a large audience by using celebrity casting simultaneously.
The ability to switch multiple camera feeds will allow for a form of broadcasting that takes social distance into account.
The ability to insert captions and branded movies/commercials during the broadcast enables a TV program-like style of delivery.
The ability to distribute the same video from multiple accounts makes it possible to reach a larger audience. For example, using the accounts of influencers and others can be effective.
FRONT is a live streaming service that utilizes video and AR to create new communication and experiences. We provide new promotions through planning, development, and creativity by leveraging our advanced technological capabilities and our experience with many high brands.
Experienced technical creators at FRONT support optimal video distribution design for all types of distribution environments and video platforms, from standard live distribution to smartphone-specific live distribution for Instagram and other platforms.
配信中にテロップ・インサートの挿入や最先端かつハイクオリティなXR配信、テレビ番組同様の中継配信クオリティをオンライン配信にて実現します。 また、同時通訳や海外中継などのグローバル対応も得意とします。
We can insert subtitles during broadcast, provide cutting-edge and high-quality XR delivery, and achieve live broadcast quality equivalent to that of TV programs through online delivery. We are also capable of global distribution, including simultaneous interpretation and overseas broadcasts.