VOGUE GIRL 5th Anniversary Party

Condé Nast Japan
Photo Video Booth
3月13日に開催されたVOGUE GIRL 5th Anniversary Party に Google Pixelに対応した#MirrorSnapPro を導入いただきました。
今回は、Google Pixelで撮影したデータに3種類のデジタルフレームをその場で合成。撮影データはAirDropでお渡し&オリジナルデザインのカードにプリントしてプレゼントしました。
Google Pixelを持ったフォトグラファーが会場内を回遊することで、多くの来場者さまにイベント会場内の様々なフォトスポットでサービスを体験いただけました。
On March 13, a #MirrorSnapPro unit strategical adapted to Google Pixel excelled as a keen attention getter at the VOGUE GIRL 5 th Anniversary Party.
To further heighten the already gala occasion, three different types of digital frames were synthesized into data photographed with Google Pixel right on the spot. Contents shot in that mode were delivered by AirDrop, while likewise being printed out onto original design cards as special souvenir presents of the celebration.
Format-wise, a photographer packing a Google Pixel circulated around the venue, with large numbers of guests experiencing this highly original service at numerous photo spots right onsite. Set up backstage, meanwhile, was a photo booth for getting shots of the performers, while another unique feature was direct linkage with social media enabling photos to be instantly uploaded onto official accounts.