Digital Installation, Digital Service, Camera Service
2024シーズン・読売ジャイアンツ主催プロ野球公式戦において、試合観戦の臨場感を一層高める体験型コンテンツとして、ユーザースマホ参加型FAN CAMサービス「INCAM LIVE」を導入いただきました。
スタジアム内の大型メインビジョンと、試合観戦を楽しむユーザー自身のスマートフォンが連動し、観客の盛り上がりをリアルタイムに映像投影できる「INCAM LIVE」の提供により、一体感を醸成させる特別な観戦体験を演出。
■ ユーザー体験型のFAN CAMコンテンツとして提供
■ SNS投稿を促進
スタジアム内の大型メインビジョンと、試合観戦を楽しむユーザー自身のスマートフォンが連動し、観客の盛り上がりをリアルタイムに映像投影できる「INCAM LIVE」の提供により、一体感を醸成させる特別な観戦体験を演出。
■ ユーザー体験型のFAN CAMコンテンツとして提供
■ SNS投稿を促進
In Yomiuri Giants’ official professional baseball games in the 2024 season, “INCAM LIVE,” our fan cam service that allows users to participate with their smartphones, was installed to encourage the audience to feel further immersed during the games.
INCAM LIVE allows users’ smartphones to be linked to the large main vision screen of the stadium, which fosters a sense of inclusiveness, and stages the exclusive game-watching experience. Throughout the event, supporters enjoyed taking live video selfies, waving their hands, or holding up cheering goods towards their smartphones.
The distribution design, which allows easy participation by simply scanning a QR code, also took part in motivating people to post the videos on social media.
[What’s special about INCAM LIVE]
◾️A fan cam content that includes users’ participation
To capture the audience’s enthusiasm and excitement in real time, the in-camera clips of people having fun at the event are displayed randomly on the large screen of the venue. This system helps to make the users feel further immersed and more exclusive as the main characters of the event.
◾️Encourages users to share their experiences on social media
Since it is the content that can meet the needs of the event organizers and enhance the value of the user experience, it is expected that the users share their special experience in the events which leads to the diffusion effects on social media.
INCAM LIVE allows users’ smartphones to be linked to the large main vision screen of the stadium, which fosters a sense of inclusiveness, and stages the exclusive game-watching experience. Throughout the event, supporters enjoyed taking live video selfies, waving their hands, or holding up cheering goods towards their smartphones.
The distribution design, which allows easy participation by simply scanning a QR code, also took part in motivating people to post the videos on social media.
[What’s special about INCAM LIVE]
◾️A fan cam content that includes users’ participation
To capture the audience’s enthusiasm and excitement in real time, the in-camera clips of people having fun at the event are displayed randomly on the large screen of the venue. This system helps to make the users feel further immersed and more exclusive as the main characters of the event.
◾️Encourages users to share their experiences on social media
Since it is the content that can meet the needs of the event organizers and enhance the value of the user experience, it is expected that the users share their special experience in the events which leads to the diffusion effects on social media.