Virtual Gift Boutique

Planning, Casting, Digital Service
2021年12月1日~25日のクリスマスまでの期間限定オープン、YSLのギフティングを体験し購入もできるYSL Beauty初のバーチャルギフトブティックの全体デザイン・演出、デジタルコンテンツの提供、ブティックガイドムービーの制作、キャスティングまでを担当いたしました。


① ギフトコンシェルジュ
 384通り、プレゼントしたい相手に関する複数の質問に回答すると、YSL Beautyの製品の中からオススメのギフトが表示されるコンテンツ
② ギフトシミュレーター
③ ペアリングゲーム
 YSL Beautyのホリデー限定パッケージの製品のビジュアルを活用した神経衰弱。ゲームをクリアしたユーザーにはイベント限定のノベルティや来店クーポンなどのギフトをプレゼント
④ ガイドムービー

YSL Beauty’s first virtual gift boutique, where visitors can experience YSL gifting and make purchases, opened for a limited time from December 1st to 25th, 2021 for Christmas.
We were in charge of the overall design and direction of the virtual boutique, as well as providing digital content, producing the boutique guide movie, and casting.

The virtual gift boutique, which brings the glittering world of YSL to life, is inspired by a secret party held at a Parisian mansion.
We were in charge of the total production from space design to staging of the gold-on-gold virtual gift boutique, providing a new shopping experience that will bring excitement to the holiday season.

In addition, four digital contents will be available for visitors to enjoy Christmas gift shopping as many times as they wish during the period.
①Gift Concierge
 The Gift Concierge offers 384 different gift suggestions from YSL Beauty’s product line by answering multiple questions about the recipient.
②Gift Simulator
 Content that allows users to create their own original gift boxes virtually and receive the images as digital data.
③Pairing game
 A matching game using the visuals of YSL Beauty’s limited edition holiday packaging products. Users who complete the game will receive a gift such as an event-exclusive novelty or a coupon for a store visit.
④ Guide movie
 Movie content featuring the brand ambassador “JO1” guiding visitors through the virtual gift boutique.

The entire space and digital contents of the virtual gift boutique are presented in a movie format to allow easy operation and lightweight navigation within the 3D space. This enabled us to achieve both the worldview of the holiday season proposed by YSL and the usability of the virtual store.